Serving Woodworkers on the Internet since 1997
Baseball Game Plans
featured in Oct-98 issue:
Reproduction 1940's era game endorsed by Babe Ruth - a pin-ball type
game for 2 players. Pitcher controls speed and direction of ball.
Batter can hit, walk, strike out or be put out. Plans include scaled
diagrams, lettering, and step by step instructions to make this project
from wood and standard hardware.
(Hwre. kit is available - see order form.)
See baseball games built by our customers.
Woodworking Plans: $8.99 (U.S. currency).
Table Hockey Plans
Replica of the Munro hockey game of the 1940's & 50's -
the fastest table hockey game ever.
Plans include scaled diagrams, full-size patterns for curved pieces and step by step
instructions to build this spring-action game with wood and standard hardware.
(Hardware kit is available - see order form.)
See customer-built hockey games.
Woodworking Plans: $8.99 (U.S. currency).
HockinoleTM Board Plans
video of live hockinole action.
HockinoleTM combines two all-time favorite Canadian board
games - table hockey and crokinole. Our plans include scaled diagrams, and step-by-step instructions
to make this project from wood and standard hardware. Suggested rules included with plans.
(We stock hardwood game pieces - see order form)
Woodworking Plans: $4. (U.S. currency).
Crokinole Board Plans
Beginner / Intermediate
Crokinole is a family game for 2 to 4 players.
Our plans include scaled diagrams & step-by-step instructions to make
a 26" square or octagonal board from wood & standard hardware.
Rules of crokinole included with plans.(We stock hardwood game pieces
- see order form.)
Woodworking Plans:$4.00 (U.S. currency).
Visit our gallery to see customer-built crokinole game.
Carrom Board Plans
Beginner / Intermediate
Carrom is a game of skill for 2 to 4 players.
Our plans include scaled diagrams & step by step instructions to make a 35-inch
(29" playing surface) carrom board from standard plywood.
We stock an economical set of game pieces - see order form.
( Rules included with plans.)
Visit our gallery
to see carrom boards built by our customers and read their comments.
Woodworking Plans: $4. (U.S. currency).
Skittle-Maze Plans
Spin the tops and knock over the pins - Skittle-MazeTM
is an exciting action game for 1 to 4 players.
Plans include scaled diagrams and step by step instructions to build this 25" table game with
wood and standard hardware.
(We stock wooden skittles pins and tops - see order form.)
Woodworking Plans: $4. (U.S. currency).
Visit our gallery to see customer-built skittle-maze games.
Round Trip Plans
Beginner / Intermediate
This traditional travel game provides entertainment for 2 to 4 players, ages 4 and up.
Plans include scaled diagrams, scaleable map grid, printed airport names and step by step instructions
to build a 25" game board with common wood and standard hardware.
Woodworking Plans: $3.50 (U.S. currency).
Lawn Chair Plans
This folding outdoor chair is easy to make, good looking and very comfortable.
Build it in a few hours with 2x2 lumber - no nails, screws nor glue needed.
Plans include scaled diagrams, materials list, cutting guide and step-by-step
instructions to build this project from wood and standard hardware.
(A good school shop or 4-H project - email for educational pricing.)
Woodworking Plans: $4. (U.S. currencey).
About Our Plans
We produce, publish and sell plans for vintage board games and other wood projects suitable for home workshops.
Our customers may use these plans to build these projects, for whatever purposes they wish;
however, the plans themselves, consisting of instructions and diagrams, are copyright protected
and may not be copied or distributed in any format without the express permission of Vintage Games Company.
All of our woodworking plans include:
- easy to follow, step-by-step instructions in Imperial units (inches & feet)
- CAD-drafted scaled diagrams for each stage of construction
- full size patterns for irregular shapes
- shopping lists for wood & hardware
- no charge Shipping & Handling
- after-sale service - if questions arise during construction contact us at:

- Our Guarantee - your money back if you are not satisfied (see below).
We hope you enjoy building your Vintage Games wood project; however, if for any reason you are not satisfied
with our plans just return them within 30 days, with a brief description of the problem, and we will refund
the purchase price, in full.
Read what our customers say
& see the projects they have built using our plans.
In response to many inquiries about tools and skills needed to build Vintage Games wood projects we have added a skill rating system.
If you are unsure whether you have the skills or tools needed to complete any of these projects, visit our
comments page for further explanations.
How To Order
We use Paypal, electronic payment system, through
To order, visit our ebay listings: go to ebay
and do a search for "woodworking plans" followed by the name of the plans you are interested in.
Educational Prices |
Shop teachers can order multiple copies of indvidual plans for student use at wholesale prices.
Email for quote.
(Our email address is in graphical format to protect it from automated spam-mail programs.
To contact us you must enter the address manually from your mailer.)
Your Privacy
- We do not install cookies or adware on your hard drive.
- Correspondence with Vintage Games will not result in unwanted email.
- Customer information is used only to help us serve our customers.
We do not share it or sell it.